Email activities and Events

Email Actitivies

You can find all email activities by navigating to the Activities tab on the top navigation pane. From there you can either use the left navigation pane to go through the activities or you can use the search function.

You can view the history of an email by clicking on either the time stamp, the email adress or name. When clicking on the time stamp or email adress you will see the details from the outgoing email, including a list with the email history.

When clicking on the name you will be directed to the lead. From there you can view the email history on the “Info request” tab. It will tell you the status of the email. You can click on the email and view the details from the outgoing email.

Email bounces

Through the left navigation pane you can find all the email bounces. It is important to check these bounces as they will not have reached the lead, so no response or action can be expected. There can be several reasons why emails are bounced. In some cases you may be able to resolve the issue, however in other cases you may not be able to do anything about it.

It is best to proactively check the list with bounced emails on a regurarly basis and/or after a (large) mailing has been scheduled. Checking the bounces will also help you to give a lead an explanation when contacting you through another channel.

Read more about email bounces in the next section.

MaxLeadManager email events

When connected with SendInBlue, MLM can receive the following events regarding emails being sent.


SendInBlue has received the request from MaxLeadManager to send the email.


The email was received at the email address of the recipient


The recipient opened the email for the first time. However this event update will only show if images within the email are enabled by the receiver. Therefore an email might have been opened for the first time, but no record will be shown of it here.


The recipient opened the email for the first time or any time after. An email can be opened multiple times.


The recipient opened the email and clicked on one of the links or buttons inside the delivered email.


The email has failed to be delivered due to a non-existent email address or blocked email address. In some cases you may be able to identify what is wrong with the email adress, such as a missing @, or wrong ending after @. You can edit this at the lead level and try to sent out the email again.

If the problem still persists, the email might be blocked by the recipients email provider or placed in the spambox of the recipient. When a recipient claims to not have received an email, you can ask the recepient to checkt his/her spam box.

If the problem stil persists you can check your sentinbleu account and see if all settings are optimal to keep email bounces to a minimum such as validating the sent “from” domain.


The email failed delivery because the recipient’s server was unavailable or their inbox is full.


The email address is blacklisted, the recipient has not received the email (for example, the email address does not exist.) Usually this will happen after several bounced emails. When needed an email address can be unblocked in SendInBlue.

Your contact will be blocked in MLM. You can unblock the contact by clicking the “Unblock contact” button when reviewing the email details.


The email has been marked as spam.

Each webmail is responsible for the placement of incoming messages either in the inbox or in the spam folder. They are basing their judgment on several different factors, and each webmail follows its own rules. So if your emails are landing in spam on Outlook, they may not land in spam on Yahoo or on Gmail. Also, if you notice that some of your emails are landing in spam on a specific destination, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the same email will land in spam for 100% of your contacts with the same domain name. The webmails often adapt their judgment based on the users’ past history with a specific brand.

Consistency is a must to ensure good inbox placement. If your recipients are expecting your emails and they are receiving those emails at the right frequency, they’re more likely to show positive engagement and boost your results.


The recipient used the Unsubscribe link in the email to unsubscribe the email address.


The email is in Standby Reception (recipient has a full inbox, for example.) and can be received later


The email was reported as undesirable by the recipient

All Manuals

  • Application Notes
  • Channels
  • Categories
  • States
  • Conditions
  • User Management
  • Drop reasons
  • Basic actions
  • Mailchimp templates
  • Email activities and Events
  • Connect Google Forms
  • Labels
  • Scheduled emailings
  • Email profiles
  • Groups

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