What are labels?
Labels can be very useful to sort your leads and data. With labels, you can work more efficiently on your leads.
You can create and edit your labels by navigating to “Labels” under the gear icon in the top right corner. Here you will find a list of all your labels.
Creating a Label
You can edit an existing label by clicking the label, or you can click on “+ New label” to create a new one.
Name your label
Choose a name that is clear to understand. Examples of labels could be “Business Lead”, “Existing Client”, “To Call”, “Spam”, etc.
“Storage” is optional and will generally only be used by advanced users.
When using a score model, you can enter a value between 0 and 100 here to give the label a score.
Background color
Choose a color for your label; for example, using similar colors for grouped labels can be useful.
Label group
The system will make sure that a lead can only have one label per group. For example, a label group could be called “Regions” and include the labels “North”, “East”, West”, “South”. The lead can only have one of these labels. You cannot have “North” and “East”; you would have to add a new label for “North-East”.
Permissions group
The label will only be visible for people who are a member of the selected group.
Edit permissions
Only members of the selected group are able to add or remove this label.
Visible permission
This label is only visible to members of the selected group.
By checking this box, you do not delete the label, but hide it. The label is still active and can still be used, but it is hidden from selections.