Conditions are used in different places, such as emailings and actions.
When setting up conditions, you can select the type of condition from the drop down menu. Depending on the selected type, you might need to specify a value.
This is an example of how conditions can be used in emailings:
You can add “AND ALSO” and “OR” statements. Using these statements requires some understanding of how they might affect your expressions.
With “AND ALSO” statements, you make sure that both the conditions you connect with the statement apply. As an example, the email should only be sent if the recipient has an email address AND ALSO is part of branch A. So, if the recipient has an email address but is not part of branch A, the email will not be sent.
With the “OR” statement, either the first or the second condition has to apply. For example, the recipient should be part of branch A OR branch B.
You can connect multiple of these statements together. For example, if the recipient has an email address AND ALSO is part of branch A OR branch B, AND ALSO if the recipient has not received an email before, then the email will be sent.
All conditions together form a final expression. This is shown under the conditions you have set up.
With custom expressions, you can make changes to existing expressions or create new ones. This is generally for advanced usage.