Make use of Categories
Categories are used for many different purposes. The “Category group” decides which purpose the category is used for. An example of a category group is “LeadsFormCategory”.
This group is used to sort new leads into a category, so that it can be used to perform other tasks, such as sending specific emails to that lead.
The “Category” field shows the category’s name which is also shown to users. You can change this freely.
When leads are sent to MLM via a website, the Category field is important information, as it shows via which form the request is coming from. For example, this could be an appointment request or a brochure download. Enter this name in the “Regular expression” field, so it will be connected to the right MLM category.
You can learn more about regular expressions and how they are used here.
You can connect different form names to one MLM category, for example the category “Brochure” can have a regular expression: “(^brochure$)|(brochuredownload)|(digitalbrochure)|(printed)”.
In the “Weight or score” field, you can enter a score between 0 and 100 to indicate the importance of this category. For example, an appointment would be more important than a brochure request and would thus have a higher number.
The “sort order” determines in which order the categories are shown when selecting a category in a drop-down menu.
The “External Id” is only important for advanced use and custom implementations.
You can select a label, which is automatically given to a lead when the lead is assigned to this category.
You can also select a status which is then automatically given when the lead is assigned to this category. For example, select the status “Closed” to the category “Brochure” to note that leads assigned to this category do not need any follow up.
When selecting a “Permission”, only users who have this permission are able to select this category. This is only used when a lead is filled in by hand.
The “Group” field ensures that only users who are part of this group will be able to select this category. For example, the category “Kitchen Configurator” could only be relevant to the group “Kitchen Leads”, and not “Bathroom Leads”.
The Description” fields can be used for extra explanations, which can be useful in overviews and reports.
The “Custom text” fields are only for advanced usage.
Categories can also be used for other things aside from Leads. For instance, the qualification categories, which can be found in the navigation pane on the left.
A qualification category is given to a lead automatically, based on the built-up score. The weight of the category refers to the minimum lead score. The standard qualification categories are “Cold”, “Hot”, and “Warm”, but you can freely edit these when necessary.
When you create a note, you can select the “subject” the note is related to. This list of subjects is automatically created by the category group “note.subject”. If you add a category to this group, you can then select it from this drop-down. You can do the same when creating an appointment, which is connected to the “appointment.subject” category group, and when selecting an “action” with a task, which is connected to the category group “tasks.subject”.