
In this article


You can find the states by going to the configuration menu in the top right corner and clicking on “States“. Here you will find an overview of all states that exist within your MLM. You can filter them with the menu on the left. States will most often be used for leads, but can be used for tasks and quotes as well.

Click on an existing state to edit it.

Maxlead - states

Id name

The “ID name” is an internal name which is not shown to the user, but is used for expressions and formulas inside of your MLM. This name generally shouldn’t be changed, as these expressions and formulas using this ID name will then break.

Display name

The “Display name” is the name shown to users. This one can be changed freely.

State type

The State type refers to the phase the state is in. A state has to have at least one type, but can have more. For example, you can have a “Video appointment” state, which has the state types “Open” and “Appointment”, but the state “Call appointment” can also have the same state types “Open” and “Appointment”.

State types are used to group states and are very useful within overviews. For example, you can find all “Open” leads by going to the Leads overview and clicking on “All open leads”. Here you can find all the Leads that have a state with the state type “Open”.

State group

The “State group” shows which group within MLM the state can be applied to. In general this will be Leads. States that can be applied to tasks would have the group Tasks.

Main state

A “Main state” can be used as a broader state which can then be divided by sub-states. This is only used in advanced MLM configurations. When assigning a state, you can assign a main state first, e.g. “Completed”, after which you can assign a sub-state, e.g. “finished” or “dropped”.

Required permissions

With the “Required permission” you can select which permission a user needs to have in order to see this state. For example, you can specify that only managers would be allowed to apply the “dropped” state to a lead.


The “Group” field is similar to the “Required permission” field, but instead of a permission, you select the group users have to be part of in order to see this state.


The description is generally not used, but you can specify any extra information you might want to add to this state. These are useful in reports and dashboards. They can also be used as tooltips.

CustomText01 & CustomInt01

The fields “CustomText01” and “CustomInt01” are only for advanced usage.

Index order

The “Index order” is important, as it defines the order in which states show up when selecting a state.

Hours to next deadline

You can use the “Hours to next deadline” field to add this amount of hours to the deadline of the lead the state is applied to. If you do not want to use this feature, leave it blank.


The “Percentage” is also for advanced usage. It is often used for states that are referring to quotes. This way, a state which has a “Percentage” can show how far into the completion trajectory the quote is.

All Manuals

  • Application Notes
  • Channels
  • Categories
  • States
  • Conditions
  • User Management
  • Drop reasons
  • Basic actions
  • Mailchimp templates
  • Email activities and Events
  • Connect Google Forms
  • Labels
  • Scheduled emailings
  • Email profiles
  • Groups

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