Email profiles
What are email profiles?
Email profiles are pre-setup emails including characteristics and information which can be used to send automatic emails from MLM when, for example, a new lead is created.
You can find “Email profiles” by going to the configuration menu in the top right corner.
How can I create an email profile?
You can create a new email profile by clicking the “+ New email profile” button or you can click on an existing email profile to edit. Then you can fill out the following details.
Profile name
Enter a name for your email profile that specifies its use.
You can add information in the remarks field to further explain the email profile.
You can add tags to your email profiles so you can filter your email profiles. When filling in tags, they’re stored automatically, so you do not have to set them up beforehand.
Datasource type
The datasource connects the email profiles to the data used to fill in the merge fields. When setting up a scheduled task you can select a datasource. Only email profiles which have this datasource will be shown from the drop down menu. This way it’s not possible to send emails designed for users to a lead, for example.
You can choose to add a category to further specify the purpose of the email profile. This category can be used to filter out email profiles based on specific actions you wish to perform, e.g. sending a thank you email to a lead.
Language & Country Code
You may need different languages for different customers and/or partners. For each language you use, you can create a new email profile. Setting a language can help you pick the right email profile later on. Keep the language abbreviations you use consistent throughout your email profiles.
Like setting a language, you can also select the country code so you can find the right email profile later on.
Mail to, CC, BCC
In the “Mail to”, “CC”, and “BCC” fields, filll in where the email should be addressed to. Fill in the sender’s email address in “From address” and the sender’s name in “Display name”. You can use merge fields for all these settings. You can fill in a specific email address, or use variables to let MLM fill in this information dynamically. You can use a variable such as {User.EmailAdress}. You can find the complete list of variables by clicking the Merge fields button.
Fill in the “Subject” the same way.
Email body
Fill in the contents of your email. If you want, you can use an email template. In that case, you only fill in the body of the email; you fill in the header and the footer in the template itself. For more information about setting up email templates, see (here).
If you want a more advanced email template, you can use specialized tools such as Mailchimp.
Additional toolbar buttons
With the left button you can see a list of previously sent out emails. The second button shows the list of scheduled email tasks that use this profile. You can create a copy of this email profile with the third button. Click on the merge fields button to get a list of the most important merge fields.
Availability and access rights
Your email is active when it’s created. If you inactivate the email profile, it will not show up when composing an email or creating emailing tasks.
Selecting a group allows you to make the email profile only available to users that are members of this group. It ensures that users only have a selection of email profiles that are relevant to them. You can create customized groups based on your needs.
With permissions, you can ensure that only users with certain permissions have access to the email profile. Although users may be part of the same group, some might not see the email profile, simply because they need a specific permission. For example: A group of sales representatives may be part of the same group, however, only two of them are allowed to reject leads with a rejection email profile.Permissions are set up and managed by the administrator and can be applied to roles.
When an email is sent with this profile
Emails usually get archived as activities. This is useful to review all communications with your leads. However, you can untick this box if, for example, the email contains sensitive information, like an invitation to set a password.
When creating email profiles containing lead specific attachments such as quotations, pictures and plans, you can tick the box to archive these attachments. This way you can always look back at the information sent earlier when processing the lead. If you don’t need to save the attachments, you can untick this box.
Under the field “Add label” you can select a label. When an email with this profile is sent, this label will be added to the related lead.
Under Attachments and Extra Attachments, you can enter attachments that will be sent by default using this email profile. For example, you can insert a URL to a PDF document. The Extra Attachments will never be archived.
Advanced email settings
The options available under “Advanced email settings” are optional settings to further set your email profile.
The “From address” and “From Display Name” is the default reply address, but you can change these in the “Email reply address” and “Email reply name” fields.